Medieval total war free upkeep
Medieval total war free upkeep

medieval total war free upkeep medieval total war free upkeep

The peasants were to serve as cannon fodder and stop the enemy charge, while spears were to flank the enemies too and hit their forces on the sides. He and his bodyguards went to the forest on the right flank while the pancerni took the left, with the intent to attack enemy bows. He quickly thought of a simple flanking plan. Since Bolesław didn't have the option to properly deploy his army as the enemies rallied towards his encampment, he had no time for elaborate maneuvers. The enemy, on the other hand, has a single cavalry unit (Żupany), two axe-wielding Woodsmen units, (decent attack but almost no armor), one trained spearmen unit and a lot of Woj spears and bows (Local levies, only marginally better than mere peasants). cavalry), one peasant archer unit and two peasant units which are shitty all-round. As you can see on the bottom of this screenshot, Bolesław's army consists of two cavalry units (general's bodyguard and pancerni), two spearmen units (which in SV have good defense but shit poor attack unless vs. Only with tactics can Bolesław reverse the odds. The type of units depends on the region and some other stuff. This is a neat feature of SV, that when you besiege a place, its garrison gets reinforced by four units. He laid siege to Wrocisław, but to his surprise, the defenders sallied forth to meet him before the walls, reinforced by the local forces. It's great because it makes you cringe at the thought of keeping a standing army and makes you use mercenaries more as a short term solution.Īnd so did Bolesław depart. Army upkeep costs have also been increased. *in SV if you take a general outside a settlement, you pay 500 florins when he's in your lands you pay 1000 florins per turn if he's abroad.

medieval total war free upkeep medieval total war free upkeep

I'll personally make sure the eleemosynarius scratches all the dirt away from you. Wrocisław will be Crown's property until the year passes, that I can solemnly promise you.Īnd visit the monastery before you go. We're Christians, you know.Ĭertainly, sir. You'd better stick to the latin, you foul-mouthed twat. Sromotne lanie spuścim kupą im panie a zyszczym kurwom wszelakie nieszczęścia. I will send you some Pancerni as reinforcements. The coffers are nearly empty since these filthy Jews convinced us to import bottled beverages from the west and we can't cover the expenses of a prolonged siege*. It is imperative that you take it as soon as possible and that you keep your losses to a minimum. You, Bolesław, will go from the forest you've been sitting in aimlessly since I began my rule and assault Wrocisław. We must therefore strike to the east and north to stop the spread of the foul Germanic influence. The rotten Swab can be a formidable foe when he's not recovering from veneral diseases. I have just received news of the Emperor's military preparations. In the noble kingdom of Poland, king Władysław the Chivalrous - as his grata patria named him - gathered his sons and his most trusted vassals to discuss certain important matters. This concludes the western Europe part of this chronicle. A lot of other terrible and medieval things happened. Some of them important, most of them not. A terrible locust infestation hit quite a few places. I'll explain the added/modified features as the LP progresses. Hell, they can't even fix typos and poor English, and as of version 6.1 the UI looks started to be cartoonish and unbearable.įortunately, I've found Chivalry II: Sicilian Vespers. There's Deus Lo Vult, but the makers fail to fix the bugs (and there's plenty of them) and concentrate on adding useless new features instead, making the game even more buggy as a result. I've been looking for something that bears a resemblance to RTW's Europa Barbarorum.

Medieval total war free upkeep